Here’s my problem with the ‘Morbius’ movie

Warning: This movie review contains spoilers. 

Last month, production house Sony released the film Morbius, starring Oscar-winning actor Jared Leto, as the vampiric anti-hero Michael Morbius. Although the trailer made the movie look gritty and promising, the film itself seemed to be a let-down for many critics—garnering it a 16% rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes. 

Some of these reviews cited the movie as being “generic as hell” and a “poorly-produced comic book adaptation.” 

Photo Credit: MorbiusMovie via GIPHY

While a lot of these critics’ points are understandable, the movie itself was not too bad. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t great either–but it was action-packed and entertaining enough to watch through. Leto and Matt Smith also gave great performances as Morbius and Milo respectively, and the action scenes were well done as well. 

However, the problem I had with the film was the forced Spider-Man storyline. I understand that this was the production house’s attempt to further develop the Spider-Man universe, but in my opinion, this move just threw away Morbius’ character development. 

Here’s why: Morbius didn’t like hurting people. He knew after he was injected with the bat DNA and felt its side effects that it was a mistake. He had difficulty controlling his thirst for blood and had the potential to kill more people if left unchecked. He even went so far as to fight his best friend and “brother” Milo (Smith)—who was also inoculated with the serum—in an effort to stop the bloodshed. Given this, why would he team up with the Vulture and cause more chaos? It just doesn’t make sense.  

Also, what does Morbius have against Spider-Man? There was no prior interaction or build-up of the feud between Morbius and the young Avenger throughout the movie, not even a mention of it at the start or the middle of the film. It felt like a forced move on the part of the studio just to integrate Morbius into the Marvel universe and (for me) defeated the purpose of his origin story as a new Marvel character. 

And it seems like I’m not the only one who feels this way. In an article from The Direct, writer David Thompson clearly explains how this was a failed attempt by the studio to continue the MCU’s Spider-Man: No Way Home.  

Thompson writes, “Morbius offers no connection, no explanation, just a dead, insulting post-credits scene that retroactively makes No Way Home a worse film.” 

According to a tweet by DR Movie News, the Spider-Man line has reportedly been deleted in some of the movie screenings. 

As the tweet reads, “In the (stupid) mid-credits scene, Vulture flies up to Morbius, thanks him for meeting w/ him, & says ‘it has something to do with Spider-Man’. The Spider-Man line has inexplicably been removed from every single print at ALL of my local theaters.”

Only time will tell if the production house continues with a Morbius sequel or if they choose to scrap the franchise altogether. Until then, I’d probably give this movie a 6/10 given that it’s watchable but not exciting enough to continuously watch on repeat. 


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